How does medCrowd connect everyone on the MIP?
Learn how to use the medCrowd instant messaging technology

The Medical Innovation Program (MIP) for human reproduction has integrated the digital technology medCrowd to enable connections among MIP participants. medCrowd is the instant messenger for health and care that keeps everyone in touch and protects confidential information to the required standards. You can access medCrowd through the MIP website from your computer or by downloading the medCrowd app for free from the Apple App store or Google Play store.
How do I join medCrowd?
To join medCrowd, visit the website or
accept an invitation sent by another medCrowd member. Just find “Join now” and submit
your profile information. You will receive a verification email or SMS to check
your details have been submitted correctly. Once your details are verified, you
are ready to connect on the MIP and join teams and conversations!
How do I connect with others using medCrowd?
You can connect with other MIP participants by joining a team and any conversations they start. A team can include several MIP participants who engage across several conversations.
Visit the medCrowd blog article that explains in detail how to set up a team and start a conversation. As part of a team you help expand the MIP network by inviting members from your phone or email contacts to join your team or conversation too.
When you create a team yourself, you will be the team admin with control over the team invites and settings. Read the medCrowd blog article to understand what being a team admin means with medCrowd.
How do I send and receive messages?
You can send and receive messages within a medCrowd conversation. Every conversation starts with a description, which you can read to understand the topic under discussion. To reply, type your message in the box below and hit “enter” to send. With medCrowd, you can also attach files to your message before sending it, or react to other members’ messages by hitting the thumbs up (“like”) button below their message.
medCrowd offers the option to quote other members’ messages or type @ and tag a team member in the message in order to notify them you are specifically referring to them. Find out more about "quoting" and "tagging" on the medCrowd blog. medCrowd also allows you to add unique IDs to conversations to easily identify them by searching for that ID number at any time.
How do I get notified?
By clicking on the notification icon, you can see your notifications, new invitations and messages. By accepting new invitations, you can join new teams and conversations. If you are using the medCrowd app, you can choose to receive notifications on your mobile device or adjust your settings to switch them off.
How does medCrowd protect your privacy?
medCrowd is compliant with the NHS Commercial Third Party Information Governance requirements, HIPAA, UK Data Protection Act and the European General Data Protection with ISO 27001 certification in progress. This means that medCrowd is developed to the right standard for use by any health and care professional, by
protecting confidential and sensitive information shared in a conversation.
Tools like medCrowd should be used in order to ensure professionals can
communicate in a fast, effective, compliant and secure way.
medCrowd is an easy technology to use and the team behind it have created a user-friendly environment to enable connections on the MIP. If you have any questions about medCrowd, please contact the MIP Support team at
August 2019